Cybersecurity Media Professionals

Nobody on the Planet Does what we do the way we do t!

Content Creation
If you need high quality, well-researched, fully optimised content for Features, Articles, Web
Content, Independent Reviews & Guest Blog Posting covering every aspect of Cybersecurity
Awareness, Threat Management, Best Practice Compliance together with Actionable Mitigation
Protocols - On time, On budget, Every Time - You need to Hire Us!

Writing Rates
Our rates are calculated in accordance with the freelance guidelines set-out by the IFJ
We charge a flat fee of £399.00* Per Single Expert Article up to 750 words - representing
excellent ROI!

Content Delivery
All Content is delivered in MS Word Format.

We charge as per industry standard - 50%* on Instruction & 50% on Completion. Payments
can be made by Card or Wire Transfer (*As a Gibraltar Based Entity We Don't Charge or Pay

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